Following improvements have been made on Classic Fleet:
The Odometer enhancements have been implemented across the web keeping in mind the customers' concerns regarding various aspects of the Odometer, and solutions have been provided in response.
‘DriveSafe’ has been rebranded as ‘PhoneMonitor’ across the web in order to make it more accessible and appealing to the users, reflecting the functionality the feature offers.
Enhancements to the SafetyCam functionality, added new Safetycam AI events to existing events and the ability to remotely wake up SafetyCam AI for Live streaming. Additionally, SafetyCam Reports have been improved to provide a more comprehensive view of events that occurred and a new "Comments'' column has been added.
The TrackMe feature's link has been improved to display more relevant and important information users need and less redundant information.
Following are list of bugs that have been fixed in Classic Fleet:
- Fixed issue in Alerts page under Admin module where Buzzer intensity radio button is not displayed in some instances for reseller-associated customers.
- Previously, when selecting the Driver Score again after switching between multiple donuts on the Dashboard, it displayed the incorrect label. As a result of the bug fix, whenever you select the Driver Score, it will display the correct label name regardless of how many switches you have made between the donuts.
The Odometer enhancements have been implemented across the web keeping in mind the customers' concerns regarding various aspects of the Odometer, and solutions have been provided in response
We have enhanced the Odometer across the web taking into account customers' concerns regarding various aspects of the Odometer. Each of the concerns raised by customers has been addressed by our solutions, which contribute to enhancing the overall customer experience.
The solutions implemented in response to the concerns are outlined below:
Simplified the Odometer concept by removing unnecessary parameters. Removed the 'Initial Odometer’ parameter to avoid any confusion and renamed the ‘Current Odometer’ parameter to ‘Odometer’.
Providing the ability to enter odometer values based on backdated values, resulting in a retroactive calculation of the reading in order to display a dynamically updated reading.
Added a signifier next to the Odometer field signifying the Vehicle's capability of sharing the data.
Added a Source of Odometer column in the Vehicles table to give transparency to the user on the source of the odometer reading.
Maintaining consistency across the Maintenance and Vehicles pages, which previously had different odometer values.
An auto-fetching of the vehicle odometer value is performed on the Service Entry page in accordance with the vehicle name and the service entry date and time entered by the user.
For more information on Odometer enhancements, please click here.
‘DriveSafe’ has been rebranded as ‘PhoneMonitor’ across the web in order to make it more accessible and appealing to the users, reflecting the functionality the feature offers
We have renamed DriveSafe to PhoneMonitor to make it sound more adaptable and to reflect the functionality that it provides. The change is implemented across the web.
The following are the modules/sections that have been updated to reflect the revised name 'Phone Monitor':
Live Maps & Breadcrumb: We have renamed the event named DriveSafe Activated in Live Maps as well as the Breadcrumb to PhoneMonitor Activated.
PhoneMonitor Report: We have renamed the DriveSafe Report to PhoneMonitor Report.
- Driver Score Report: In the Driver Score report, the Distracted Driver Score column has been renamed to Phone Usage Score.
- Reports such as Breadcrumb Reports, Multi Vehicle Breadcrumb Reports, and WWW Reports contain events related to DriveSafe, which have been renamed to PhoneMonitor events.
- Admin functionality
- Navigation: Admin >> Config >> Web >> General
- Enable Distracted Driving Weightage → Enable Phone Usage Weightage
- Enable Distracted Driving Weightage → Enable Phone Usage Weightage
- Navigation: Admin >> Role >> Add Role >> Reports
- DriveSafe - Monitoring → PhoneMonitor - Monitoring
- DriveSafe - Monitoring → PhoneMonitor - Monitoring
- Navigation: Admin >> Role >> Add Role >> Admin
- DriveSafe Monitoring → PhoneMonitor - Monitoring
- DriveSafe - Blocking → PhoneMonitor - Blocking
- Phone Monitor - Locking remains the same
- Navigation: Admin >> Config >> Web >> General
- Support Portal
- Main Package: PhoneMonitor
- Sub Package: PhoneMonitor - Monitoring, PhoneMonitor - Blocking, PhoneMonitor - Locking
Enhancements to the SafetyCam functionality, added new Safetycam AI events to existing events and the ability to remotely wake up SafetyCam AI for Live streaming. Additionally, SafetyCam Reports have been improved to provide a more comprehensive view of events that occurred and a new "Comments'' column has been added
We have enhanced the camera functionality to provide customers with many additional features, such as:
Added new SafetyCam AI add-on events to the existing events to capture incidents when drivers engage in unsafe driving practices during trips. These incidents are displayed in the Breadcrumb, Safetycam tab, and Safetycam Report based on the event type that was recorded.
Improved SafetyCam Report that provides a detailed view of Event Types that have occurred, as well as the addition of a 'Comments' column for the event videos.
Ability to remotely wake up the SafetyCam AI camera in order to live stream events even when the vehicle's ignition is off.
For more information on SafetyCam AI enhancements, please click here.
The TrackMe feature's link has been improved to display more relevant and important information users need and less redundant information
This improvement is only for the Trackme link generated, no change in link creation process.
Previously the TrackMe link displayed redundant information and points on the map making it complicated to comprehend. Now, this is improved by removing redundant information and points on the map and updating the UI to match the Fleet 2.0 theme.
TrackMe link when the destination is specified
Trackme link when the destination is not specified