You can assign tags when adding a new vehicle or editing an existing vehicle. To add tags to your vehicles, you need to subscribe to the Tags package. Please contact if you wish to activate this package for your fleet. 

Method 1: Assigning tags while adding a vehicle 

1. Log in to the Azuga Web application.

2. Navigate to the Vehicles page, under the Admin tab.

3. Click Add Vehicle

4. Fill out the form with appropriate details. (For more information, see How do I add a vehicle?)

  • Under Vehicle Tags, type a tag name and press Enter.
  • You can add multiple tags at a time by separating each tag name with a comma.

5. Click Save.

Method 2: Assigning tags to an existing vehicle

1. Log in to the Azuga Web application.

2 Navigate to the Vehicles page, under the Admin tab. The data table gives you details of all the vehicles present in your account.

3. Click the pencil icon corresponding to the vehicle for which you wish to add tags. 

4. Update the form with appropriate details. 

  • Under Vehicle Tags, type a tag name and press Enter.
  • You can add multiple tags at a time by separating each tag name with a comma.

5. Click Update Vehicle

Last Verified on Mar 2024