All reports in the Azuga website either display information in your timezone or in your vehicle’s time zone. 

To change all the reports to display information in your timezone, you need to disable the Use Device Timezone preference. 

If you enable this preference, the website shows vehicles running in different time zones in the same time zones they are currently in, i.e., it will use the vehicle’s time zone. 

If you disable this preference, the website will show vehicles running in different time zones your time zone, in a normalized manner. 

For example, consider that you are in California and your vehicle is running in New York. You will be in PST timezone, and the vehicle will be in EST time zone. Now if you enable the preference Use Device Timezone, reports will show timestamps in EST (vehicle’s timezone).

If you disable this preference, then reports will show timestamps in PST, i.e., in your current time zone.  

To enable/disable the Use Device Timezone preference:

1. Log in to the Azuga Web application.

2. Navigate to the Config page, under the Admin tab.

3. Click Web and select General. This page allows you to set preferences for the website. Preferences are categorized under five tabs namely General, Live Maps, Reports, Admin, and Mobile.

4. Tick the Use Device TZ box, if you want to use the vehicle time zone.

5. Uncheck Use Device TZ box, if you want to use your time zone.

5. Click Save.   

Last Verified on Mar 2024