'Find it Forward' helps you find places around your current location and also provides the directions to reach these places. It shows places such as restaurants, gas stations, hospitals, and ATMs. It gives you the name, address, and distance of the place from your current location etc.
There are two ways of finding a place:
- by searching
- by selecting from the POI toolbar
Places are displayed as red or green pins on the map.
Red pins indicate the place is behind you from a compass point of view; green indicates the place lies ahead of you .
There is small toggle placed in the bottom right corner of the map in Find It Forward. The toggle basically toggles between a list view and a map view.
Tapping on any of the places, either from the list view or map view, shows the details of the place with more actions for you to perform.
The actions you can perform here are:
Call the place
Use the share option to spread the word
Provide directions to the place