1. Navigate to the Geofences section present under Admin on your Azuga Web application.
2. Select Add Geofence.
3. Enter the name and address for the geofence.
Addresses can be either an actual street address (e.g.1221 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL, USA) or you can enter latitude and longitude in the appropriate format (e.g. 26.48574,-113.45675).
4. Navigate to the Track When the option:
a) Vehicle enters/exits a geofence: If you would want to create a geographical boundary around the point on the map to receive set-up alerts. You can either create a circular or polygonal boundary while setting it up.
b) Vehicle makes a stop at the geofence: If you would want to easily identify the location of the vehicle when it makes a stop at a known address. You can create the geofences with this condition for frequently traveled addresses such as Home, Office, Customer Location, etc. based on your convenience.
By default, the geofence boundary is a 50 meters radius from the address. Enter the desired radius to adjust the geofence boundary.
5. Select the Group/Vehicle for the address to get detected.
6. You can also define the Category of the address for e.g. home, office, work.
7. You can use the Icon to assign it to the address to be viewed on the maps and for easy identification of the address.
8. Next select the Time Frame to track the address detection based on your Fleet operations.
If you would want to track the address during the entire day select 24/7 or select Custom Hours and enter the day and timeframe for address detection based on your Fleet's operation.
Set-up Alert Notifications (ONLY applicable for geofence entry/exit events)
1) Once all the details are entered, click on Next and you will be directed to the next screen where you will be able to set up alert notifications for the address.
2) Click on the Alert Notifications slider if you want to receive alerts.
a) Send Emails: This allows the administrators to receive the alerts notifications for the selected group/vehicles.
- When you select this option, you can enter any email address that is not set up in the in web application in the cc field to receive the alert.
- Select As soon as each alert occurs if you would want to receive instant alerts or if you would want a summary of alerts every X hours, enter the hour duration in the A summary of alert once every hours field.
b) Notification: Alert notifications can also be displayed on the web application. There are 3 options to choose from
- Popup with any user acknowledgment: Any logged-in user can acknowledge the notification and the notification will disappear.
- Popup with every user acknowledgment: Every user has to acknowledge the notification.
- Banner: A banner would be displayed on the application.
3) The final step is to assign the users who would receive the alert notifications. Navigate to the Send Alerts option to complete the setup process.
- Group Admin: There are 2 options to choose from: Selecting All Group Admins will send alerts to all the admins of the vehicles associated with the groups. Selecting Group Admin with Role will only send alerts to group admin with specific roles assigned to them.
- Paired Driver: This option will send alerts to the drivers paired with the vehicle.