1. Log in to the Azuga Web Application.
2. Navigate to Developer > Webhooks. (This tab will be available only if you enable the Developer package.)
3. Click on Add Webhook.
4. Fill out the form with appropriate details.
a. From the Event Type drop-down, select the events that you wish to subscribe.
b. Enter a Name for the webhook.
c. Enter a valid URL.
d. Select the type of Authorization you wish to use.
i. Basic Auth - Enter the username and password which will be encoded using Base64(username: password)
ii. Key Based Auth - Enter name and value of the key
e. Enter an email address in the Email text box. If the specified URL is unavailable or does not respond, we’ll send an email to this address informing about the same.
f. Toggle the Paused switch to the OFF state. If you wish to pause this webhook for a certain period, toggle the Paused switch to ON and specify the timestamp.
5.Click Save Webhook.