The different types of web preferences available are as follows:
- Child Group Selection – To list groups as standalone groups. If enabled, when you select a child group the parent group does not get selected. The child group does not have any reference to the parent group. If disabled, when you select a child group, the parent group is also partially selected.
- Smart Search for Landmarks – To add a smart search toolbar for Landmarks in the Live Maps page. The smart search on landmarks gives you a list of landmarks based on your input criteria. The drop-down list shows suggestions that change as you add more characters to the search input.
- Driver Peer Chat – To allow drivers to chat with other drivers in the organization. If the preference is disabled, only admins and fleet managers will be listed in the driver’s messaging list.
- Language – To set the language in which website content is to be displayed. The languages are English (US), English (UK), Spanish and French. By default, the website uses the language English (US).
- Allowed IP Addresses – To whitelist the IP addresses for which you wish to grant access to the Azuga application.
- Currency – To set the currency you want to use in map displays and reports.
- Default Fuel Cost – To set the cost of fuel per gallon. The default value is $4.25. This value is used for calculating the total amount spent on fuel.
- Date Format – To select the format in which dates need to displayed in the application.Different formats available are:
- MMM-DD-YYYY, HH: MM (12 Hour)
- DD-MMM-YYYY, HH: MM (12 Hour)
- MMM-DD-YYYY, HH: MM (24 Hour)
- DD-MMM-YYYY, HH: MM (24 Hour)
- Distance Unit – To select the unit of distance to be used in map displays, reports, and alerts.
- Speed Unit – To select the unit of speed you want to use in map displays, reports, and alerts. The unit of speed can be either Kilometers Per Hour (KMPH) or Miles Per Hour (MPH).
- Fuel Unit – To select the unit of fuel consumption (Litres or Gallons) to be used in map displays, reports, and alerts.
- Default Map View –To change the map to use satellite or default view.
- Temperature unit – To set the temperature unit (for weather) to Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- Attachment Size for Messaging – To set the attachment size limit for messages. Maximum attachment size is 25 MB.
- Enable Weather – To enable/disable weather information on Live Maps.
- Use Map Clusters – To display vehicles close to each other as clusters on Live Maps. For example, when four vehicles are close to each other’s location they are displayed as a cluster with four vehicles on Live Maps. To get the name of the vehicles in the cluster, hover the mouse pointer over the cluster. Click on a vehicle name to get further details.
- Live Maps Layout – To choose the type of layout for the Live Maps page. By default, the page uses a vertical layout (with the data table on the left side and map on the right side). In the horizontal layout, the data table and the map are placed one above the other.
- Show Vehicle Direction Arrow – To display the directional arrow along with a vehicle name. The arrowhead points in the direction in which the vehicle is moving.
- Show Breadcrumb Play Options – To display Google play option in Breadcrumb reports. The Google Play option in Breadcrumb Reports provides an animated route map of the trips taken by your fleet.
- Show Landmarks on Map Load – To display all the landmarks defined in your account on map load.
- Map Refresh Interval – To set the refresh interval for Live Maps, that is how often you want Live Maps to get updated with the latest data. You can set the interval in minutes or seconds.
- Map Label Name – To customize the label on vehicle markers to display one of the following on the map:
- Vehicle Name
- Driver Name
- Group Name
- Vehicle Asset Number
- Map Marker Type – To choose the type of vehicle icon to be shown on Live Maps. The vehicle icon can either be a simple or an advanced one. A simple icon is represented by a dot, whereas rectangular labels represent an advanced icon.
Goals for Dashboard – To set goals for your fleet for drive time, distance traveled, idling, speeding, hard braking and sudden acceleration.
- Enable Fuel Consumption – To display an additional column showing the total amount of fuel consumed, in reports.
- Show Asset Number – To display an additional column that shows the asset number of vehicles, in reports.
- Show Additional Group Information – To display additional group information (such as region, division), in reports.
- Driver Name Visible – To display an additional column that shows the name of the driver paired with the vehicle, in reports.
- Enable Pagination – To enable pagination in reports. Pagination is the process of dividing the records fetched from the database and displaying it on multiple pages. If you enable pagination, the website loads only page size*3 records from the database and the reports load faster. However, there is only limited search and sort options in the report. If you disable pagination, the website loads all the records from the database at once.
Note: These preferences will be available only if you have activated the Maintenance package in your account. Also, the country should be either Canada or US.
- Coupon Radius Search - To define the radius of search to look for deals. By default, this is set to 30 Miles.
- Maximum Deals - To set the maximum number of deals to be fetched.
- Select Deal Address - Deals will be searched around the last known address of the vehicle or the address specified by the user. By default, it will take the last known address of the vehicle.
- Polygon Vertices – To set the limit for the number of vertices a polygon geofence can have.
- Show Additional Driver Information – To display additional driver information (such as date of joining, date of resignation, total experience) under Admin > Drivers.
- Show Additional Vehicle Information – To display additional vehicle information (such service due date, road tax, safety tags) under Admin > Vehicles.
- Number of Tags Allowed – To define the limit on the number of tags that you can create in your account.
- Nearest Vehicle Search Radius – To define the radius (in miles) of search for vehicles. The minimum radius that can be set is 1 mile and the maximum is 10 miles.
- Vehicle Speed Threshold – To set the threshold for activating DriveSafe on a mobile phone. Once it is active, the phone will be blocked access to calls, messages, and other applications.
- Vehicle Pairing – To select the type of pairing - Manual, Bluetooth, Beacon, and No Pairing.
- Operating Hours – To set the working hours for drivers during which the application and its functionality is ensured to run in the background.
- Shift End Inspection Text – To define the message shown to a driver at the end of the shift to which he can answer with a YES or a NO only.
- Breaks Allowed – To control if the driver can take breaks during his shift.
- Keep Application Alive – To choose if the mobile application should always be running in the background during hours of operation. If a user tries to terminate the application, the application relaunches automatically.
- Auto Launch Application – To auto launch at the start of the time specified under hours of operation.
- Auto Kill Application – To auto terminate itself at the end of the time specified under hours of operation.
- Logout Allowed – To prevent users from logging out of the app.