A Speeding report provides you with information about the speeding violations that have taken place across your fleet. This report contains details of all the vehicles that have exceeded the speeding threshold (set in the speeding alert). By default, the speeding threshold is set at 65 MPH.
Using this report, you can get details such as the maximum speed attained by your vehicle, location at which speeding, and average speed limit.
Additionally, this report also provides information on the posted speed of the location where speeding started. However, this will be available only if you enable the SpeedSafe package.
Please contact customercare@azuga.com if you wish to enable this package.
A Speeding report contains the following fields:
Field | Description |
Date |
Vehicle |
Vehicle Tags |
Driver |
Alert Setting |
Peak |
Duration |
Average |
Address |
Group |
Region |
Division |
Asset No. |
Posted Speed |