The Safety Score feature on the Azuga dashboard displays the overall performance of your drivers. Safety Scores are represented using a bubble chart. In a bubble chart data points are represented as bubbles. The size and color of the bubbles are two additional dimensions of the data. 

In the Safety Score bubble chart, x-axis (horizontal axis) represents the driver score and y-axis (vertical axis) represents the percentile. Percentile is the relative measure of a value with other sets of values in the data range. For example, in the bubble chart if the performance of a driver is at 40th percentile, then it means that he performs better than 40 percent of all the drivers in your organization. 

The size of the bubble depends on the miles driven by the driver. Longer the miles driven, bigger the size of the bubble. The color of the bubble changes with respect to the scores. The bubble color will be green if the score is greater than 75, yellow if the score is between 75 and 65, and red if the score is below 65. This makes driver score comparison easy.

To generate the Safety Score chart:

1. Login to the Azuga application and navigate to the Dashboards page.

2. Select the time frame from the Date Range drop down box. 

3. Select the groups/vehicles for which you wish to get the driver scores from the vehicle  drop down box. 

4. Click on the Update button.

5. Click on the Driver Score donut. This will display the Safety Score chart.