Azuga allows you to customize the website, once you purchase the product. You can change the appearance of the website and make it look like your own product. This provides you with a tailored user experience. 

Customizing Azuga Fleet

1. Login to the Azuga application.

2. Navigate to the Config page, under the Admin tab.

3. Navigate to the Customize tab.

4. Customize the header section.

a. Using the color picker, select a color for hyperlinks (Welcome, Support)

b. Using the color picker, select a background color. 

c. Select a font size. The maximum allowed size is 15px. 

d. Browse and upload an image which will serve as the website logo. Dimensions for Logo: 200 * 40 px.                Maximum size 15 KB. 

5. Customize the navigation bar.

         a. Using the color picker, select a text color.

         b. Using the color picker, select the active tab background color.

         c. Using the color picker, select a background color. 

         d. Select a font size. The maximum allowed size is 15px. 

6. Customize the content section. 

         a. Using the color picker, select a text color.

         b. Using the color picker, select a background color. 

         c. Select a font size. The maximum allowed size is 15px.

7. Click on the Save button to save the changes. If you want to reset it to the default settings, click on the Reset to Default button.